Word takes extraodinarily long time to open doc


Kim K

I have a problem in which a word.doc was sent via outlook but when trying to
open takes word up to 2 minutes to open, giving the message that "the
Document <filename> caused a serious error the last time it was opened......"
but this document is not in the disabled items list as suggested on the help
screen. MS help and support KB286017 says "Note Although a file is enabled,
the program may still not be able to open it. The file may still cause
serious errors." with no corection....

This does not happen to all outlook attachments but from 2 specific users.
I can not figure out if it is our machine or the senders, however the same
document opened on multiple 2007 or 2003 computers takes a long time, but
other documents do not.

Any help or ideas?

Thank you!


1) Fire the 2 specific users and pull 2 users off the unemployment line, like
2) Try saving one of the problem documents locally on your machine and see
if the problem exists. I seem to have problems from time to time where
Outlook calls up other applications.

Kim K

The problem still exists. It is with teh document and I can not figure out


We are having a similar issue.

Since about the beginning of 2010, our Word documents started to take a VERY
long time to open, and everyone in our organization is complaining. We can't
figure out why some open almost instaneously and others take up to 5 minutes.
It is not the network because it still happens when the document is copied
to the C drive. Some people say it happened after the Windows 7 update, but
no one is sure. Some users get messages such as this document caused a
serious error the last time it opened, and this file is corrupt (neither are
true). For some users, Word crashes and an MS report is generated.
We think it is either a Microsoft Office 2003 problem or something to do
with Windows XP. Our system is updated automatically.
Has anyone else had this happen? Any suggestions please!

Yves Dhondt

I would suggest checking your virusscan software. What happens if you
temporarely disable it. Does that speed things up?


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