Worse software of 2006


Michel Doucet

Le Sun, 31 Dec 2006 23:31:35 +0200, Red nosed reindeer a caressé son
clavier pour nous dire :
MS -Ati and Nvidia alliance.... MS makes sure the graphic card sales boom,
and ati and nvidia keep their source code closed so Linux can have crappy

First of all best wishes for 2007.
I'm running Ubuntu/linux distro with an ATI GC .... it runs very well even
with the Beryl graphical manager (3D, transparency, ....) which is more
powerfull than Vista .... and you don't need to buy a new PC ;)

Ray Herring

some of the things on that list I agree with, others I don't.

Flashget is crap I prefer Leechget 2006 (which is also free and works much
better in my opinion).

As good as uTorrent is, it has only just started supporting SSL which I need
for one of the trackers that I use so instead I continue to use Azureus

Open office is good in what it is trying to do, but for what I need it can't
measure up to the power of the Microsoft Office suite (in particular it's
database application is severely limiting)

You can say all you like about how Adobe has reduced the startup time of
Reader 8, but that still doesn't get past the fact that the program is over
50MB when installed on the system, I myself use Foxitreader from
FoxItSoftware.com (it's free, the installer is only 1.6MB and when fully
installed it takes up less than 3MB of space) Foxitreader also opens files
much faster (100MB PDF file opened in under 1sec as opposed to Adobe Reader
taking a good minute to open the same file (and yes, it was a fresh install
of Adobe Reader).

C A Upsdell

Red said:
I have to offer replacements for the programs I posted as worse

One candidate must be whatever software you are using that failed to tag
'worse' as a grammatical or spelling error ;-)


Don't be so sure no one is going to listen to others...I pick and choose
what I read, as long as my computer is protected, and I'm doing my job
keeping it "clean" I won't believe what MS writes, or anyone else, until
I've done my own research and made up my own mind, in the end. Being a wise
consumer today requires a lot of "foot-work," but to blindly follow anyone
or any thing is what got us into Iraq and our astronomical national debt.

Ken Halter

Brian W said:

Either that or a spoiled 11

Wrong again. I'm 34 if you must know.

Whatever. I've been running Vista since the betas, I like it so I'm
getting it. I sold my XP retail licence and the money from that is part
payment for Vista.

So... since you sold your XP license, that means you're not buying Vista as
an upgrade, right?


For those who agree that IE7 is "worse software of 2006" remember this
is a _taste_ of MS Vista.

Also note how MS tries to force you to use it my making it a
"critical" update when it should have been an optional update. I hid
the IE7 update on my home system and was required to hide it at work,
by direction of corporate IT, because of total incompatibility with
corporate critical WEB pages.

Personally, after trying Vista (at work on a test PC), I nominate it
as "worse OS of 2006." It needs several years of updates before it
will actually be ready for use.


Enough is enough no one really cares.

Don't know which group youre reading this in but drop the cross posts.
Hopefully this will be the last one cross posted.


Tecknomage said:
For those who agree that IE7 is "worse software of 2006"

Yes - both of you pay attention!
Also note how MS tries to force you to use it

Yeah, because Big Bad Microsoft FORCES EVERYONE to use their software!!!!



Mike said:
Yes - both of you pay attention!

LOL! Thousands, if not millions, agree.
Yeah, because Big Bad Microsoft FORCES EVERYONE to use their software!!!!


Posting IE7 as a critical update when it's not and when it needs loads
of preparation before beginning the install is what, MS' way of
providing repair techs with work?

If everyone used Linux, repair techs would go out of business.



Alias said:
If everyone used Linux, repair techs would go out of business.

If everyone used Linux, the world would go out business since there is no
business software for Linux.



Mike said:
If everyone used Linux, the world would go out business since there
is no business software for Linux.


There speaks the voice of ignorance.

Out of interest, exactly what would you define as "business software"?


Mike said:
If everyone used Linux, the world would go out business since there is no
business software for Linux.


Openoffice, Staroffice - just for starters - many businesses use Linux on
their Servers as well....


Paul-B said:

There speaks the voice of ignorance.

Out of interest, exactly what would you define as "business software"?

All of the custom-written and/or business/industry specific software that
has been written over the last 20 years.

Not word processors and spreadsheets.



Gordon said:
Openoffice, Staroffice - just for starters - many businesses use Linux on
their Servers as well....

Yes, by all means. Run your business on OpenOffice. Word processors make
such great accounting packages!


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