Zoom on web page with hyperlink


Dru R

I have Visio 2003. I have created a multiple page diagram with hyperlinks
from the first page to zoom in on different shapes on the remaining pages. I
have done this successfully. I save as a web page and the zoom feature seems
to disappear. Is there something I am missing when trying to save as a web
page? I have also tried publishing it with the same result. Is this
hyperlink (zoom) feature not available when saving as a web page?

Thank you in advance for any help.

Dru R

Dru R

Thank you for your reply. I have yet to find any answer to this question. I
am still looking for a workaround for this if anyone knows of any. Thank you
again for your reply.

David Parker

If you examine the JavaScipt functions created in the SaveAsWeb, you may
find something that you can use...


Do you mean that your zoom and pan doesn't appear on the left side of the
webpage?? Or do you mean the embedded zoom disappeared??

Dru R


The embedded zoom feature, sorry. The zoom and pan appear on the left
side. I guess to be more specifice. I have a hyperlink on the first page
that should zoom to a specific shape on the 2nd or 3rd page with a zoom of
200 or 400. When I use the hyperlink on the first page, it does take me to
the second page (or third page), but does not zoom (200% or 400%) on the
shape. Thank you for your response. I have pretty much given up on this. I
can't seem to find an answer.

Dru R.

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