? about templates custom menu in word 2003



I have a template I have placed in word startup directory with a custom
menu. the primary purpose of this template is to give user a place to
click and start a new report that is based on a separate template.
template 1 (loaded in startup dir) has custom menu "Reports"
When word starts the "Report" menu is available. One of the items on
the "report" menu is start new report. If you click that a macro in
template 1 adds new document based on template 2, the problem is that
when the new doc opens my "Reports" menu is no longer visible. In
options/templates/addins template 1 shows as loaded. This does not
occur in Word 2000. I am trying to make this work for both versions of
word. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Thanks BRC


Most likely what's happened is that template 2's menu has inadvertently been
customized, to *hide* your Reports menu. Word is damned quirky in this


Thanks for the input. I am not sure what you are referring to when you
say "hide". When I click on view/toolbars/ the toolbar in question show
up on the list. and is checked. Is there somewhere else the where
setting are stored? Thanks

Charles Kenyon

Then it may have been moved off the screen, possibly by a stray mouse
movement when you were writing template 2.

With template 2 open (the active document), try entering some code in the
vba Immediate window to move it back on screen. What follows is some that I
gave a person who had lost the header and footer toolbar. Substitute the
name of your toolbar to use it.

CommandBars("Header and Footer").Enabled = True
CommandBars("Header and Footer").Visible = True
CommandBars("Header and Footer").Position = msoBarFloating
CommandBars("Header and Footer").Left = 144
CommandBars("Header and Footer").Top = 163

Charles Kenyon

Word New User FAQ & Web Directory: http://addbalance.com/word

Intermediate User's Guide to Microsoft Word (supplemented version of
Microsoft's Legal Users' Guide) http://addbalance.com/usersguide

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