Brian Bradley
I think I'm having trouble grasping the concept of cross-tables.
My data originates from huge delimited-text (CSV) files consisting of almost
1,500 fields per record. I have been successful in designing tables that
address only one subject, designating primary keys in each table, supplying
those keys to other tables as foreign keys, and designating relationships.
But there are dozens of segments of the CSV files that are structured
similarly to the example I give here, and I have left those segments for
last. I have read everything I can find about cross-tables, and I am just
not comprehending it. (Maybe these segments aren't even "cross-tabbed" and
I'm just missing something else?)
After importing one SEGMENT of the delimited-text file into Excel, it looks
like this:
Event_Location_1 First_Event_Date First_Event_Name
Second_Event_Date Second_Event_Name
Event_Location_2 First_Event_Date First_Event_Name
Event_Location_3 First_Event_Date First_Event_Name
Second_Event_Date Second_Event_Name
As you can see, Event_Locations do not always sponsor the same number of
Events. (Minimum number of Events = 0, maximum number of Events = 10, and
most Event Locations have sponsored 10 Events.)
Basic (background) Questions:
1. Once that type of data is in spreadsheet form, is it considered to be a
2. What do we call that sort of data structure while it's still in CSV-file
form? (Cross-tabbed delimited data?)
3. Is it considered a poor practice to publish cross-tabbed delimited data,
or is it sometimes the only way to publish it?
Back to my major needs:
With data in Access tables structured as illustrated above (as in the
spreadsheet), I cannot understand how to query the table to answer questions
such as "How many events happened at Event Location 3?" or "At what
locations have we done an HIV screen?" or "When did we last do Child
Fingerprinting at Location 2?"
I've read everything I can find, but I can't "un-cross" the data in my mind
sufficiently to know how to place that data in Access table(s). Should I
(must I?) transform each row of data (Event Location) into a separate Access
table that looks like this:
Design View of (possible) Table named tbl_Event_Location_1:
Event_Date (date type)
Event_Name (text type) (table will have PK or composite key,
Datasheet View of same:
01/01/1991 HIV Screen
02/02/1992 Blood Drive
03/03/1993 Child Fingerprinting
I am successfully using an Extraction/Transformation/Loading (ETL) utility
called Visual Importer to import the non-cross-tabbed (?) segments of the
CSV files into my existing Access tables. Visual Importer appears to offer a
method of importing cross-tabbed data into database tables and to "un-cross"
the data as it does so, but the help instructions of Visual Importer are
scant and poorly written. And because I think I simply have some sort of
genetic predisposition for being unable to comprehend cross-tables, I am
stumped here, at the end of many, many hours of work trying to create this
database (pro bono) for a charitable organization. (I am a transcriptionist,
not a database designer, but I volunteered to do this because I was sure
that I could, having previously created a few other well-formed (IMHO) and
well-working -- but simpler -- databases for myself and for others. But I
have never had to deal with cross-tables. If there were no cross-tabbed data
in the CSV files, the charity organization would already have their
database, and I am confident that it would already be serving them well. But
this last part of the puzzle has me against a wall. So I come to you.
Please correct any misconceptions I have expressed above and please point me
to more learning. I don't even know what additional questions to ask. Thanks
so much.
Brian Bradley
San Diego
My data originates from huge delimited-text (CSV) files consisting of almost
1,500 fields per record. I have been successful in designing tables that
address only one subject, designating primary keys in each table, supplying
those keys to other tables as foreign keys, and designating relationships.
But there are dozens of segments of the CSV files that are structured
similarly to the example I give here, and I have left those segments for
last. I have read everything I can find about cross-tables, and I am just
not comprehending it. (Maybe these segments aren't even "cross-tabbed" and
I'm just missing something else?)
After importing one SEGMENT of the delimited-text file into Excel, it looks
like this:
Event_Location_1 First_Event_Date First_Event_Name
Second_Event_Date Second_Event_Name
Event_Location_2 First_Event_Date First_Event_Name
Event_Location_3 First_Event_Date First_Event_Name
Second_Event_Date Second_Event_Name
As you can see, Event_Locations do not always sponsor the same number of
Events. (Minimum number of Events = 0, maximum number of Events = 10, and
most Event Locations have sponsored 10 Events.)
Basic (background) Questions:
1. Once that type of data is in spreadsheet form, is it considered to be a
2. What do we call that sort of data structure while it's still in CSV-file
form? (Cross-tabbed delimited data?)
3. Is it considered a poor practice to publish cross-tabbed delimited data,
or is it sometimes the only way to publish it?
Back to my major needs:
With data in Access tables structured as illustrated above (as in the
spreadsheet), I cannot understand how to query the table to answer questions
such as "How many events happened at Event Location 3?" or "At what
locations have we done an HIV screen?" or "When did we last do Child
Fingerprinting at Location 2?"
I've read everything I can find, but I can't "un-cross" the data in my mind
sufficiently to know how to place that data in Access table(s). Should I
(must I?) transform each row of data (Event Location) into a separate Access
table that looks like this:
Design View of (possible) Table named tbl_Event_Location_1:
Event_Date (date type)
Event_Name (text type) (table will have PK or composite key,
Datasheet View of same:
01/01/1991 HIV Screen
02/02/1992 Blood Drive
03/03/1993 Child Fingerprinting
I am successfully using an Extraction/Transformation/Loading (ETL) utility
called Visual Importer to import the non-cross-tabbed (?) segments of the
CSV files into my existing Access tables. Visual Importer appears to offer a
method of importing cross-tabbed data into database tables and to "un-cross"
the data as it does so, but the help instructions of Visual Importer are
scant and poorly written. And because I think I simply have some sort of
genetic predisposition for being unable to comprehend cross-tables, I am
stumped here, at the end of many, many hours of work trying to create this
database (pro bono) for a charitable organization. (I am a transcriptionist,
not a database designer, but I volunteered to do this because I was sure
that I could, having previously created a few other well-formed (IMHO) and
well-working -- but simpler -- databases for myself and for others. But I
have never had to deal with cross-tables. If there were no cross-tabbed data
in the CSV files, the charity organization would already have their
database, and I am confident that it would already be serving them well. But
this last part of the puzzle has me against a wall. So I come to you.
Please correct any misconceptions I have expressed above and please point me
to more learning. I don't even know what additional questions to ask. Thanks
so much.
Brian Bradley
San Diego