Annoying message when linking issue to task



I am logged on as the administrator and when I select a task and click
the "Link to issues" button, I receive the following warning:

"You have logged on using your Project Server account. Project Server
accounts are not automatically given access to documents, risks, and
issues. Contact your server administrator for the login information
you need to view documents, risks, and issues. If your server
administrator has given you logon info, click OK, and then enter the
information in the login dialog box that appears".

After I click OK, then I go right into the issues page. This doesn't
happen at te project level. What causes this annoying message to
appear and what can I do to get rid of it.

Andy Novak
University of North Texas

Gary L. Chefetz [MVP]


You can get to the SharePoint sites because you also happen to have admin
level access to the server. WSS uses Windows authentication or no
authentication. The warning message will never go away until you switch to
Windows Auth to logon to Project Server. Anyone else using a Project Server
authenticated account trying to get to SharePoint sites will not get access.


Gary, just so I understand what I should be seeing with Windows
Our Tech Services group has setup a "dummy" windows account that allows
the connection between Project Server and WSS.

With Project Server, "Project Server authentication" is still
specified. With Windows authentication, when I access the project
server web site, say "https://unt/projectserver", should I go directly
to the PS login screen or should I receive a popup window asking for
windows login and password? We were using VPN where the user is
prompted each time they go to a url for login and password. We were
hoping getting way from VPN would get rid of that extra step, but with
Windows authentication, does that extra step remain?

Andy Novak
University of North Texas


Security in EPM. WSS and SPS is 'fun' (not)
You really need to use WIndows Auth. but you also need to consider the
3 security models you are working with.
EPM sets you access to the project data.
WSS sets your security to the project collaboration team site
SPS (if its used as the overall portal) has its own security to allow
the users access to any links to project sites
PWA gives you some useful tools to 'Sycn' users between Projects and
Team sites. Look for the menu options in the WSS risk and issue webpart
and in PWA Admin. Also there are setting in the PWA admin/Sharepoint
site provisioning that can be set to create access for ALL resources to
the team site is built. I have found this a pain if there are lots of
resource. I prefer to use AD groups

The above may have just added to your confussion but its worth knowing
there are some wrinkles in hte security model(s).

Gary L. Chefetz [MVP]


It depends. It depends on your desktop OS and how that is configured. It
depends on how Browser security is set and configured. It depends on how
your network security is configured. It depends on how your servers are
configured. We could spend a half day discussing this.

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