Bug in Project 2007?



I have written a macro that calculates the burdened cost (stored in cost10)
of tasks by summing the burdened cost for each resource assigned to the task.

In addition, I'd like the burdened cost for each assignment to be saved as
well (in the cost10 assignment field). Ultimately, I want to output (to
excel) as spreadsheet that looks like the table section of the task usage and
resource usage views.

When I store the burdened cost in the task assignment.cost10 field, the value
does not appear in the task usage display. I am also storing burdened cost
values in the resource assignment.cost10 field. The burdened costs do appear
properly in the resource usage view.

I tried the macro in Project 2003 (I removed the use of resource
assignment.cost10 field) and the macro works fine.

Have I run into something in Project 2007?


First of all, I really appreciate your prompt replies.

I copied the Project 2007 Macro - Task_CF_To_Resource_Usage from the FAQ

When I run the macro I get the same behavior as I was observing in my macro,

The text1 field from the task shows up in the assignment text1 field in the
resource usage view, but not the task usage view.


I modified the sample macro to append an additional string to the text from
the task text1 field. When assigning the task.text1 string to the task
assignment I append " via task asgn". When assigning to the resource
assignment field I append " via res asgn". The task text1 field is set to
"task text1"

I have confirmed that using the task assignment text1 field is overwriting
the resource assignment text1 field. Running the macro in the original order
results in no text in the task usage view text1 field and "task text1 via res
asgn" in the resource usage view text1 field.

If I write the task assignment text 1 field after the loop that assigns the
resource assignment text1 filed, The the resource usage view shows "task
text1 via task asgn" in the text1 field.

Jan De Messemaeker

The macro in FAQ 37 has been tested by several MVP's and I tested it again.
It copies all task.text1 to both taskassignment.text1 and

Jan De Messemaeker
Microsoft Project Most Valuable Professional
+32 495 300 620
For availability check:
rsmithgi said:
I modified the sample macro to append an additional string to the text from
the task text1 field. When assigning the task.text1 string to the task
assignment I append " via task asgn". When assigning to the resource
assignment field I append " via res asgn". The task text1 field is set to
"task text1"

I have confirmed that using the task assignment text1 field is overwriting
the resource assignment text1 field. Running the macro in the original
results in no text in the task usage view text1 field and "task text1 via
asgn" in the resource usage view text1 field.

If I write the task assignment text 1 field after the loop that assigns
resource assignment text1 filed, The the resource usage view shows "task
text1 via task asgn" in the text1 field.


I updated my installation with SP1 and the macro is now working.

Thanks for your help.

Jan De Messemaeker said:
The macro in FAQ 37 has been tested by several MVP's and I tested it again.
It copies all task.text1 to both taskassignment.text1 and

Jan De Messemaeker
Microsoft Project Most Valuable Professional
+32 495 300 620
For availability check:

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