Cannot save a file - button is shaded



I just installed 2003 and haven't used Access in years. For some reason It
will not allow me to save the test db I created, or save some of my older
db's after I open them. Help!

J. Goddard

I don't use A2003, but what do mean by it won't allow you to save?

Are the database files read only? If you copied them from a CD they
might be.




I did copy them from a cd (that I created back a few years). I checked them
and they were not labeled read only. I also created a new dbase from scratch
(it defaulted to the title "db1") and when I went to save it, I had the same
problem. What I mean by that is that the save button was "dull" and could not
be selected. Similar to when an option on the drop down menu is not
appropriate at the time and cannot be selected.

Thanks for taking the time to try to help.

J. Goddard

I have just tried in A2000 to do just what you did; I do a File - New,
it makes a database db1 in the default location, and brings me to the
database window. The "Save" toolbar button is greyed out. The reason?
Nothing to save - it has just created db1 and saved it - and I have made
no changes since, so nothing to save.

The same happens when I go to table design - I create a sample table,
save it at the prompt when exiting the table design, and the Save Button
is dimmed. It's only active when there are unsaved changes.

So, if this is the behaviour you are seeing, maybe it's actually working.


J. Goddard

I forgot this question.

When you open the old databases, you you get any kind of message or
prompt? I know in A2000, when I try to open an A97 database, I get a
choice to open it, or convert it to A2000 first. If I just open it, I
can't modify any of the objects. Might your problems be related to
something like that?



Your logic is right. all the changes I had made had been previously saved
either to the table, report, or other object. I tried changing a table and
before it could prompt me to save the table, I checked the file drop down
menu and sure enough I could hit the save button. I guess I was more rusty
than I thought. Thanks for taking the time to help me.


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