Caption formating


Dustin Deck

How do I change the format of a Caption so it is always the same and I don't
have to change it each time?

I want the captions to be; bold label, unbold caption

<Bold>Figure 1.2:<End Bold> This is the second figure

My problems are that it is all bold, and that it come in 10 font and left
I tried creating a style for it, so I can just select the text and change
it, but it make everything bold (or not bold).

Any ideas?

Suzanne S. Barnhill

There's no way to do this with styles other than to use a character style
for the label. If you used autonumbering from the Bullets and Numbering
dialog, you could format the number and its accompanying text as bold, and
you could apply this numbering to the Caption style, and you could still
cross-reference captions as "Numbered items," but you might lose some of the
other "magic" qualities of captions, which are ordinarily numbered with SEQ

Stefan Blom

Formatting the paragraph mark of an inserted caption paragraph as
hidden would allow you to use a style with no bold formatting after
it. Of course, the result will look correctly only if "Hidden text" is
cleared on the View tab of Tools>Options, and it will print correctly
if "Hidden text" is cleared on the Print tab of Tools>Options.


use a macro to select each paragraph with the style "caption" and
format the correct portion of it as "bold"?

Stefan Blom

If you want to use a macro, I think you should have it apply a
character style, instead. This would make it easy to change formatting
in the future, if necessary.

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