Communicating between IP2007 Form and MOSS 2007 List


Zen Monkey


I have an Infopath 2007 form that gets saved into a MOSS 2007 Forms
Library. Once the form is deposited into the forms library, I use a
MOSS 2007 workflow to extract information from the XML to create a new
entry in a MOSS 2007 list and then populate several fields. This all
works wonderfully.

The problem I'm having comes on later iterations of the workflow that
get triggered when the form gets updated. The form has a field for
shipping status with one option being "Ready to Ship". When the user
sets this form field to "Ready to Ship" I need a workflow to update
the appropriate list item.

When I create the list item with the workflow, the workflow created a
variable called "create" which houses the ID for the list item. I have
tried to store this ID value into a workflow variable as well as in a
field in both the forms library metadata as well as in a column in the
list. All of that works fine, but when I try to use the information at
a later point, there seems to be a problem in that the information is
not available. My best guess is that there is a difference between the
string type and the List Item ID type, and I can't find a way to
convert the string back to a List Item ID. As such, on these
subsequent instances of the workflow the system passes "0" as the List
Item ID.

Anyone have any ideas on how to get around this?

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