Contact Management Database: Eloquent Subforms.



I posted this in the "Templates" section, too.


I've downloaded the contact management database template from Microsoft. I'm
using Access 2003. I think it is a nice template, but I'm trying to modify it
for my own use.

The question I have concerns putting together subforms within the database.
The current template has three tabs: General, Calls, and Additional Info.
Under the "Calls" tab, it is quite obvious that the subform is matched
(through relationships) to the ContactID of the Contacts Table.

My problem is with trying to understand how the Notes field can also be a
subform, especially as it seems to be linked to the first subform, i.e, I can
see a call, the time, and the subject in the top subform. When I look at the
bottom subform, it shows the "notes" or details. There aren't any navigation
buttons at the bottom. When I select various calls, the Notes field changes.

How do I do this? How do I replicate it? I'm trying to add tabs for
"Mailing" and "Emails." How do I get the Notes field I have in both the
Mailing and Emails tables to appear like it does with the "Calls" table/form?

I know this seems confusing, but please look at the template and you'll see
what I mean.

Any help would be appreciated.



My problem is with trying to understand how the Notes field can also be a
subform, especially as it seems to be linked to the first subform,

Actually it isn't linked to the first subform.
You can use the one table for different subforms on yr mainform.

Say Name, Address, Residence, EmailAddress, WebAddress and Notes are
part of one table, namely tblContacts, you can make 3 subforms
1st consisting of: Name, Address, Residence
2nd consisting of: EmailADdress and Webaddress
3rd consisting of: Notes

All subforms share same LinkMaster and LinkChildfield relation to the parent
hosting them...

If this wasn't helpfull, could you repost with a clear indication as to what
y're after"?


I appreciate the quick reply. That partially answers my question. How then,
can the "Notes" field be linked to the specific instances of phone calls?

Please look at the template at called "Contact Management

In that template, there are no navigation tools for the "Notes" section (the
template calls it "Call Details." How can I get rid of the navigation, and
also keep the Notes field linked to specific calls?



Joan Wild

It's been a while since I looked at that template, so I'm going from memory.
I believe that if you check the Link Master/child properties for the Notes
subform control, you'll see that it is linked to the Calls subform. Then if
you check the code behind the Calls subform, you'll see how it keeps the

If you set up the relationships in the relationships window General table
(1-M) Calls (1-M) Notes and then use the form wizard to create a form with
two subforms (you can do this by selecting the second table/fields and third
table/fields in step 2), it will set it up for you.

A better method that requires no code:
Put a textbox (called txtLink) on the Main form and set its control source
to the primary key of the Calls subform
Forms!Name of Calls subform control.form!Primary Key

Set the Link Master/Link Child properties for the Notes subform to
Child...field in Notes subform that links to Calls.

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