"Could not open Enterprise Global' error (re-opened)


- R2D2 -

Hi all ...

I have read through the responses the previous time this question was
posted, but no-one seems to have posted a solution ... So here is my question

Brand new installation of Project Server 2007
Brand new user created in the PWA tool

When changing the Office Project Professional 2007 thick client to point to
the pwa server, I get the message 'Could not access Enterprise Global'
pop-up and Project fails to launch. This is only valid for a small number of
users and don't know where else to look to fix this

Any idea would be a good one

Thans so much

Jonathan Sofer

Is the error when you define the connection or when you attempt to launch
the connection? Or is it both?

Check the User Authentication>Logon option set under Internet
Options>Security Settings>Custom Level to make sure that these particular
users don't have a different setting than other users.


- R2D2 -

Hi Jonathan

Thanks for the reply - but the error pops up when the thick client launches
(Office Project) and tries to connect ot the server. However, I will check
the settings based on your recommendation below, not sure if it will have an
influence over the desktop client.

Can you comment on that ?

Jonathan Sofer

If the error is during the connection attempt then can you try to connect
using your own credentials on their machine if you are an admin or have
successfully connected on your own machine.

To do this, first make sure the connection state is set to manual under the
MS Project Server 2007 account setup. Then on the login screen check the
box "Enter User Credentials" and enter your own domain\windows account and
password. If you get in successfully, then this is a user permission issue.

As for the other question, the authentication mode if set to anonymous will
not allow you to connect to the thick client for example.


- R2D2 -

Hi Jonathan

It is deinitely a user permission error - I did log in with my own
credentials on het machine without the same issue.

Subsequently, I have removed the user account from the PWA site and
recreated the user, with no luck - same error prevails.

not sure where else to look

Jonathan Sofer

What groups do you have this user a member of in PWA? The user must have
the permissions that a PM would have.

Let me know

- R2D2 -

Yep - she is a Project Manager and a team member. Jus created a brand new
user (for someone else) without a glitch - just seems to be this one
particular user at this time

- R2D2 -

Thanks Jonathan

Looks like this particular user's account was created with a wrong template
- manually changing settings fixed the issue

Thanks for your time and effort on this -


I have this problem as well. However, in my case it is intermittant and
unresolved. The user is a member of the delivered Project Manager and team
member group (I temporarily added the user to the admin group, but this had
no effect)- no user permissions have been modified.

When I reboot the client machine, the problem disappears for a while, but it
comes back in an hour or so. This problem is specific to one user on one
machine (The client can open projects on one machine while simultaneously
getting the 'global template' error on the other). My initial attempt to
resolve this issue was to delete/re-create the user's profile - but this had
no effect. I have tried:

logging the client off/on
deleting/re-creating the user's profile
rebooting the client

Any ideas?

Andy S

I am having this error as well. We have users connecting from Project
Pro (PP) to PS2007 from both within our network and outside. The
exact same user will have no problem connecting PP to PS at the
office, but then from home, he gets the "Could not access enterprise
global" error.

Based on the other posts, I don't see a consistent solution. Anyway
tried had repeated success eliminating this error?

Andy S

I solved it; although it seems to be yet another solution of many.

I need to ensure my external project managers had the "Use Remote
Interfaces" permissions checked. It is not part of the default
Project Managers permission group.


Dear all,
For your information I also faced this problem with 2 users
- user1: indeed this was a permission issue ("log on from project pro" was
not checked in)
- user2: more tricky... user2 had administrator rights, so should have been
OK but error was persistent... I noticed following concern: one job "User
Synchronization for Project Web Access App Root Site and Project WSS
Workspaces" was not finished (50%) with job status "Failed But Not Blocking".

After reboot of both Project Server and local machine running project pro it
finally worked again (note that above job status still is unchanged).

Maybe this can help...

Didier Maignan - Interprojet

Hi R2D2
I have the same issue and try hard to understand solutions and was enjoyed
by yours but how to ? : what do you mean by manually change of settings :
which settings ?? What tool did you used ? PWA server settings? did you
recreated a profile on TSE ?


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