Deleting border from cross-functional flowchart



I'm using the cross-functional flowchart. The shape
includes an unneccessary border on the left (vertically
oriented flowchart). I have tried everything I know to
turn off layer protection and shape protection but I
can't touch the border. How do I get rid of the thing?


Chris Roth [ Visio MVP ]

The band is there so that you always have the option of grabbing the frame
around all of the bands.

If you really want to make it go away, try this:

- Select the shape that contains the band (you should get gray handles
around all of the lanes)
- Menu: Edit > Open Vertical Holder
A new window opens with skin-tone background. You are INSIDE THE GROUP,
- Make a net selection around the top edge of the "paper"
You should see more gray handles denoting a shape with Zero width
- Menu: Window > Show ShapeSheet
A scary spreadsheet interface appears
- Look for a cell named: User.GridRounding
It will have a formula something like: "=0.25*Sheet.1!User.AntiScale"
- Change the 0.25 to 0, or something very small.
- Close all these useless windows and pray you haven't broken something


Hope this helps,

Chris Roth
Visio MVP

Wm. Kritzberg

Naah -- doesn't work.

I may be selecting the wrong thing once I'm inside the
group, because I don't find a a shape with zero width.
What I am able to select shows a value only (no formula)
for "User.GridRounding."

What, pray tell, is a "net selection"? Is this selecting
by dragging a rectangular selection area over the top of
the "paper"? For that matter, how do you define "paper"
in this context?

I feel we're getting close, but we'rel not there yet.

Thanks for your assistance.

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