Disappearing messages & folders not visible


Lucas van Vloten


In Outlook 2007 I am using a shared mailbox (i.e., it is not my own
mailbox, but I am authorized to view / edit all messages and to send mail
with this account as a sender).

In this shared mailbox I have created ~60 folders under the inbox to keep
track of correspondence for specific issues. Regularly new issues arrive, for
which I make a new folder. One of these is called 'archive'. Once the
correspondence that belongs to one of the folders is completed, I move the
entire folder to 'Archive'.

Now I have the following problems:
1. Reguarly (but not always) incoming messages disappear when I follow the
following course of events:
- Message arrives in Inbox
- I mark the message as 'read'
- I move the message to its folder
- I move the folder immediately to 'Archive'
Afterwards when I look in the moved folder, the new incoming message has
disappeared and can not be recovered.

2. When I create a new folder under the Inbox (right-click on the Inbox,
select 'New folder') it does not become visible in the folder list. When I
create a folder again with the same name, it sais that this folder name
already exists. The new folder usually becomes visible after I create an
other new folder (with a different name).

Number 1 is really a problem, number 2 is mainly annoying.

Does anyone have any idea what is going on, and how to solve this?


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