


I am trying to use basic building blocks in the electrical engineering basics
stencil to create another part. When I use a top and a bottom and put them
together, I cannot change pin labels. I have tried unlocking the protections
through the format selection and then also in the shape sheet, but I always
seem to end up back where I started. Is there another way to access these
protections that I can't find? There doesn't seem to be a lot out there
about the engineering capabilities of visio.

John Marshall, MVP

Select the shape and then chose the last item from the Edit menu. It should
be something like "Open nameofshape". You can then doubleclick the pin
numbers or the pin names and change the text.

These shapes have been around for a while and Shapeware could have done a
better job of designing the building blocks.

John... Visio MVP

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