Excel Hyperlinks..how to get rid of them



I have a simple excel spreadsheet. My spreadsheet includes Company name ,
contact name , email address.. and sometimes the company website.
After a few weeks of adding companies, I have hyperlinks all over the place,
it is hard to click in any cell anymore , as it will go to the email or a
my problem does not stop there, I have a new company that I have added, and
I will click on the contact email address, and I will get another hidden
hyperlink email, just aggravating. Is there something like take all
hyperlinks out of spreadsheet without taking the color and information off
the sheets?
If not, please do not tell me I have to go to every cell and say "remove


Richard M Burton

Hello Lorelei,

You could try copying the whole sheet, click the box between A and 1 in the
corner to select all the data then right click and copy. Then paste special,
values. Quick and easy if it works.

Good luck

Richard M Burton

You could also add conditional formatting to the cells to retain or improve
the highlighting of the contents.

Use two conditions:

1) cell value is greater than www, format font colour to red

2) formula is =isnumber(find("@",celladdress,1)), format font colour to blue


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