"file not found" when attempting to run macro from list



While attempting to run any macro from the list that Word displays, I receive
an error message of "file not found." This occurred right after running a
macro successfully. The list of macros is surely there, as is Normal.dot, I
believe with the same size it was before this started happening. As possible
remedies (which didn't work), I ran the Office repair utility and set Windows
back to the last restore point.

I copy and paste the text of my macro modules to a file but I had done a lot
of updating lately and hadn't done this backup procedure recently, and it
would be really nice if I could figure this out and recover whatever it is
that's missing. I did notice Norton running a check on Normal.dot before it
happened so I guess it's possible that a virus got past Norton into the file.
I have my macro security set on high (second from the top) and it says there
is a viurs scanner installed, though I don't do all the updates like I should.

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.


The strangest thing is that I can create a new macro and when I do, the rest
of all the other macros are there! At least I can now do the backup procedure
by copying them into a file. The only thing is that if I recreate Normal.dot,
all the shortcuts will be gone.


Well, case closed it looks like. I exported each of the modules as separate
..bas files; after that, I was able to open the macros from the list.

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