"Finder" window when opening



When I open a file in a microsoft office program (ex: Excel) -- I can't
get all the details displayed -- such as "file type" or "file size". Is
there some way to do this in office programs?

BTW: I can see all the details fine when I open a finder window.


Jim Gordon MVP


I'm not sure exactly which aspects of the workbook you are seeking to
know about, but if you type the following into Excel Help's search field
you will get information about the INFO function, which may provide some
of the information you seeking:
INFO worksheet function

You might be able get additional file information from Finder using an


Daiya Mitchell

I don't think so.....but that File | Open dialog is created by Apple--Word,
Excel, etc just call it. File | Open in Apple's Pages or Safari acts the
same way, with limited options in list view.

There is a demand among Mac users for File | Open/Save dialogs to act just
like Finder windows. Add your feedback here:


Thank you Daiya,

That's pretty much what I expected. I had only noticed it in my office
applications, but a friend pointed out that Safari acts the same way --
since I brought up the question, I promised to see what I could find


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