Folder last modification date


Ken Slovak - [MVP - Outlook]

Folders don't expose that property to the Outlook object model before
Outlook 2007. However, if you are using Outlook 2007 you can use the
PropertyAccessor with the DASL tag "DAV:getlastmodified" to get that

You can also use CDO 1.21 or Extended MAPI or a MAPI wrapper such as
Redemption ( to get that information using the
MAPI property tag PR_LAST_MODIFICATION_TIME (0x30080040).


Hi Ken,

Thanks for the reply. I have checked the redemption website. The examples
showed is actually about the item in folder.

For example:

Dim utils, oItem, PrDate , Date
Set utils = CreateObject("Redemption.MAPIUtils")
Set oItem = Outlook.session.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderContacts).Items(1)
'This is the line that point to contact item in contact folder
PrDate = &H30080040
Date= utils.HrGetOneProp(oItem.MAPIOBJECT, PrDate )
MsgBox Date

How about the folder last modification using Redemption.MAPIUtils? I am
getting it right?

Ken Slovak - [MVP - Outlook]

I'd probably use RDOSession myself:

Dim oSession As Redemption.RDOSession
Dim oFolder As Redemption.RDOFolder
Dim lastMod As Date

Set oSession = CreateObject(Redemption.RDOSession")
' use Application only in Outlook VBA, otherwise get Application object,
then get NameSpace.
oSession.MAPIOBJECT = Application.Session.MAPIOBJECT
Set oFolder = oSession.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderContacts)
lastMod = oFolder.Fields(&H30080040)

Note that lastMod will be in UTC and not in local time. Use MAPIUtils to do
the conversion using the HrGMTToLocal() method.


Hi Ken,

I tried RDOSession but the oFolder.Fields(&H30080040) value is = Empty.
Then i tried to change the name of the contact default folder to make sure
the folder is really changed. Try again but oFolder.Fields(&H30080040) still

By the way, you commented that:

"use Application only in Outlook VBA, otherwise get Application object, then
get NameSpace."

Why Application only in Outlook VBA? I tried Application in VB6 Com Add-In
and it seems to work fine.


Ken Slovak - [MVP - Outlook]

The code works here. I used this test Sub in the Outlook VBA:

Sub TestFolderModificationDate()
Dim oSession As Redemption.rdoSession
Dim oFolder As Redemption.rdoFolder
Dim oUtils As Redemption.MAPIUtils
Dim lastMod As Date

Set oSession = CreateObject("Redemption.RDOSession")
' use Application only in Outlook VBA, otherwise get Application object,
then get NameSpace.
oSession.MAPIOBJECT = Application.Session.MAPIOBJECT
Set oUtils = CreateObject("Redemption.MAPIUtils")

Set oFolder = oSession.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderContacts)
lastMod = oFolder.Fields(&H30080040)

Debug.Print "UTC time: " & CStr(lastMod)
lastMod = oUtils.HrGMTToLocal(lastMod)
Debug.Print "local time: " & CStr(lastMod)
End Sub

The output values matched with what I see in OutlookSpy.

Of course that test doesn't have error handling and it doesn't release
objects, etc. but it works.

Application is the Outlook.Application object intrinsically in Outlook VBA.
In Word VBA Application is Word.Application, etc.

In a VB6 COM addin you get Application passed to you in OnConnection() and
that's also a local (to that event handler) Outlook.Application object. Of
course you'd declare a variable to make that available in the rest of your



Thank you for the explanation and code snippet. I have

Change - oSession.MAPIOBJECT = Application.Session.MAPIOBJECT

To - oAppl.GetNamespace("MAPI").MAPIOBJECT

The oFolder.Fields(&H30080040) still = Empty.

Probably something is wrong with my Outlook.

Just to confirm with you, i used OutlookSpy (IMAPIFolder) to check default
contact folder.

The GetProps tab doesn't have any PR_LAST_MODIFICATION_TIME property. How do
you check the value?


My code:

Dim oAppl As Outlook.Application
Dim oSession As Redemption.RDOSession
Dim oFolder As Redemption.RDOFolder
Dim oUtils As Redemption.MAPIUtils
Dim lastMod As Date
Set oAppl = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Set oSession = CreateObject("Redemption.RDOSession")
'oSession.MAPIOBJECT = Application.Session.MAPIOBJECT
oSession.MAPIOBJECT = oAppl.GetNamespace("MAPI").MAPIOBJECT
Set oUtils = CreateObject("Redemption.MAPIUtils")
Set oFolder = oSession.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderContacts)
lastMod = oFolder.fields(&H30080040)
Debug.Print "UTC time: " & CStr(lastMod)
lastMod = oUtils.HrGMTToLocal(lastMod)
Debug.Print "local time: " & CStr(lastMod)

Ken Slovak - [MVP - Outlook]

Well, something's wrong. I'm not sure what. Using OutlookSpy and clicking on
IMAPIFolder and scrolling down to PR_LAST_MODIFICATION_TIME (listed
alphabetically among the named properties) I see a value there in GetProps
in the default Contacts folder. I also see that property in every other
folder in my mailbox, default or non-default.

Where is your code running? What application is hosting that VBA? If it's
Outlook VBA do not use CreateObject("Outlook.Application"), use the
intrinsic Application object provided by the Outlook VBA. Use CreateObject
only if running in some other VBA environment, such as Word or Excel VBA.

Ken Slovak - [MVP - Outlook]

Bingo. Good eye, Sue.

I finally got a chance to log into a PST file profile (on Outlook 2007) and
there was no PR_LAST_MODIFICATION_TIME property there in any of the folders.
I'm surprised, but it seems that property is store provider dependent and
not always there.

FWIW, I don't see PR_LAST_MODIFICATION_TIME on any .pst folders. Could that
be the issue?


Well, i guess i need to track the last modification time for folder
manually. Thanks for helping.

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