funnel shape in a powerpoint slide



I want to denote a funnel that takes several inputs and reduces them to
filter through only a few at the end. I've seen this done in other
presentations, but couldn't find that in clip art. Can someone point me to
how I can do this?


John Wilson


Do you mean a stationary image of a funnel or an animation with many things
going in and only a few going out?

John Wilson
Microsoft Certified Office Specialist


stationary image.

John Wilson said:

Do you mean a stationary image of a funnel or an animation with many things
going in and only a few going out?

John Wilson
Microsoft Certified Office Specialist

John Wilson

If I do a search for funnel in clip art about the 40th image looks like what
you want. I have 2003 with all clip art loaded. The same funnel is also on
clipart on office on page 4
Did that answer the question / help?
John Wilson
Microsoft Certified Office Specialist


Yes it did. Thanks very much John.

John Wilson said:
If I do a search for funnel in clip art about the 40th image looks like what
you want. I have 2003 with all clip art loaded. The same funnel is also on
clipart on office on page 4
Did that answer the question / help?
John Wilson
Microsoft Certified Office Specialist

Glen Millar


Also, with some clever image cropping of two images, you can make some
actually go through the funnel. I know you didn't ask that but you never
know when you'll need to know ;-)



Glen Millar
Microsoft PPT MVP

Tutorials and PowerPoint animations at

glen at pptworkbench dot com

Please tell us your PowerPoint / Windows version,
whether you are using vba, or
anything else relevant

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