Groove 3.1 vs Groove 2007




Is there a document or could somebody answer this question?

How backward compatible is Groove 2007 to Groove 3.1? What are the changes?
I work for an enterprise that is reluctant to take the Groove 2007 path and I
need to substantiate their views. Please help.




I think I may be missing something here....The documentation you refer to
has no information about it's backward compatability, other than to say 'some
features have been removed'.

While that documant may be helpfull to a new user of Groove, it's not very
useful when comparing it to previous versions. Is there by chance any
documentaion that details all of the features Microsoft has added/removed
to/from Groove since they purchased it? I recall seeing a post that quoted a
rather lenghty list of dropped features, but can not seem to locate it now

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