Help with an MVP template tutorial


Lee Harris

Would anyone be kind enough to help me out a little with the tutorial here

Overall, it's great but towards the middle just as I think I've got
something looking nice, it all goes pear shaped with instructions which are
either unclear or seem to be missing.

some examples include opening a new document and setting up headers and
footers and talking about stepping to the next one - but there was no
mention of adding extra pages which seemed to be the only way to do it (I
mean, with one page, there is no "next" header or footer). I assumed it was
OK to insert a page break (but not 100%), and then later on it mentions
adding some legal blurb, but then sort of goes off on a tangent and talks
about other pages, and it's like, whoah - am I supposed to have added a page
of text here or what, and then when it comes to section breaks, I'm *fairly*
sure I did what it said, but some of my headers then disappeared.

If anyone can help, that would be great. I am willing to go through it again
and write down step by step what I'm doing if it will help you spot where
I'm going wrong, or you might agree that there is a bit of vague content in
the tutorial and it needs updating slightly


Lee Harris

If that's not what you meant, then let us know where it falls apart for you.

I followed it to the point where it says "front matter". at this stage I
have 3 empty pages, the first one has the Chapter 1 heading that was used
for style formatting, and the next 2 are blank but were used to set up even
and odd footers.
In this example I had the doc set up as single sided, ie not mirrored left
and right so i didnt actually need to do odd and even footers to be honest.

anyway, it then says copy and paste your legal material in your document but
I don't know if I should put it on the front page or the 2nd page or what.
Let's assume it goes on the 2nd page.

Now it gets messy, it says I have to insert a section break after the front
cover, then a blank paragraph and then another section break, and then go
into the footer of page 2 to make it not like the previous one. I'm not
clear at this point if I should have had just the front cover and then done
this, or if I have the front cover plus the "blurb" on page 2 and then done
the double insertion of a section break.

anyway, once I start messing about with this, the headers are no longer
appearing on these pages after the section breaks, and then the instructions
bizarrely to insert some roman numeral page numbers but then don't click ok
because you don't really want them ?

I gave up at that point because it just wasn't making any sense. It's
clearly not a step by step tutorial which is what I probably needed. I will
try editing the finished version he did, but it's a shame as I wanted to go
through it all and understand what had gone on

It's not like there's a goal I'm trying to do here. I want to follow the
tutorial and end up with a nice template to try out. I've never used one
before so it's not like I have a list of things I'm "trying to do". I don't
know what I'm trying to do yet, I'm just trying to follow this

Charles Kenyon

You need to download the Word version of this article. It comes with the
described template.
Charles Kenyon

Word New User FAQ & Web Directory:

Intermediate User's Guide to Microsoft Word (supplemented version of
Microsoft's Legal Users' Guide)

Word Resources Page

See also the MVP FAQ: <URL:> which is awesome!
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