Hiding / Unhiding text



I want to hide the last page of a document which I eventually want to
hide/unhide using a macro.

I have created a 'Section Break (Next Page)' and created the last page of
text, consisting of a heading and a table. I created a bookmark which
includes the last section break through to the end of the document.

I then select Bookmark and Goto my new bookmark. I format the Font as Hidden
and all is well, with the last page (including its Header) disappearing.

Now I select Bookmark, check Show Hidden, and Goto the bookmark. When I
select Font the Hidden attribute is filled in so I check it and uncheck it.
The table reappears but the section break, heading and last page header
don't. If I show formatting they are still there but still hidden.

PLEASE can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong? Is it something to do with
the section break operates??

Lene Fredborg

I could reproduce what you describe. Afterwards, I made several experiments
in order to try to find out what is going on. I found the following:

You have a bookmark that contains text and tables. You hide the contents of
the bookmark (Font > Hidden).
You go to the bookmark via the Bookmarks dialog box while hidden text is
_not_ visible.

Only the part of the bookmark that starts with the first table and ends with
the last table within the bookmark is selected, i.e. any text preceding or
following the table(s) will not be selected. If you turn on formatting marks
(Ctrl+Shift+8) immediately after you have selected goto bookmark, you will
see that.

On the other hand, if hidden text _is_ visible when you select goto
bookmark, the bookmark is selected correctly. This seems to be a bug.

As far as my tests showed, the section break is without importance. Note
that if your last page does not have a different header/footer, you could
actually skip the section break and just set your heading to start on a new
page (Format > Paragraph > Line and Page Breaks > Page break before).

About “Hidden Bookmarks†in the Bookmark dialog box (if that is the one you
refer to when you say “check Show Hiddenâ€) has nothing to do with hidden
text. It determines whether the special bookmarks that Word creates when you
insert e.g. a TOC or cross-references are shown in the list of bookmarks or
not (start with e.g. _TOC or _Ref).

The following macro should show or hide your bookmarked page correctly (if
the user has formatting marks incl. hidden text shown, he/she will not see
the result – therefore, you may want to keep track of whether the user has
hidden text shown or not):

Sub BookmarkedText_ShowHide()

Dim oBookmark As Bookmark

'Insert the correct bookmark name instead of "MyBookmark"
With ActiveDocument
If .Bookmarks.Exists("MyBookmark") Then
Set oBookmark = ActiveDocument.Bookmarks("MyBookmark")
With oBookmark.Range
.Font.Hidden = Not .Font.Hidden
End With
MsgBox "Cannot show/hide page - bookmark missing."
End If
End With
Set oBookmark = Nothing
End Sub

Lene Fredborg - Microsoft MVP (Word)
DocTools - Denmark
Document automation - add-ins, macros and templates for Microsoft Word


Many thanks, Lene, I think I understand the bug you discovered. Also, thanks
for the tip on Hidden Bookmarks.

When I tried your code it successfully unhid the full bookmark but didn't
rehide it when run again. That's not a problem though as hiding the bookmark
wasn't a problem and I already have a separate sub-routine for that.

Many thanks for an elegant solution.

Lene Fredborg

You are welcome.

Could it be that you had hidden text set to visible (formatting marks) when
you tested the macro? In that case, the text will still be visible even if
the font is set to hidden but you will see a tiny dotted line below the text
which indicates that it is marked as hidden.

Lene Fredborg - Microsoft MVP (Word)
DocTools - Denmark
Document automation - add-ins, macros and templates for Microsoft Word

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