How can I detect that an excel cell has been clicked



I have a app which includes an excel sheet. I need to detect when a
cell has been clicked but there does not appear to be an appropriate event to

So far I have handled the "XLSheet.SelectionChange" event to achieve my
requirements BUT if the cell in question is ALREADY selected, clicking on it
will not raise the above event. I have to click elsewhere so that the
selection changes, the result being that data is added to the worksheet in
the "wrong" cell.

Am I missing something that should be really obvious?

I am using express (2008) and Office 2007 (interop).

Barb Reinhardt

In 2003, there is a Worksheet_SelectionChange that triggers when a cell is


Thanks for showing some interest and very promptly too. Unfortunately you
are only telling me what I already know. Hopefully someone else will have
come across the same issue and will tell us how they overcame it.

Barb Reinhardt

After you trigger the selection change event, could you do something like
this so you could select the same cell again

Application.EnableEvents = FALSE
Application.EnableEvents = TRUE


Thanks again, Barb. Your suggestion is useful. However, since the
worksheets being used by my app might reasonably have 200+ x 200+ used cells
I don't want to navigate away from the most recently selected cell.
Obviously I could use a "nearby" cell but this workaround starts to get
over-complicated when you apply logic to determine an appropriate cell to
select - I don't want the range of cells being displayed to change.

I must admit, however, that I didn't think of turning event handling off/on.
Far too obvious for me!!!

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