You can edit the standard calendar just like any other. But the hours you
will get when editing any base calendar when you click the radio button "Use
Default" in the upper right part of the change working time dialog box will
always be 08:00-12:00 and 13:00-17:00 and that cannot be changed. Those
hours are hard coded and there is not way to modify them, not even a
registry hack. You can define any hours you want to be the normal workday
but anything other than 0800-1200 and 1300-1700 is "non-default working
time" by definition.
You can simplify it so you don't have to redo it every new project if that's
your objective. Open the standard calendar in Change Working Time, select
all the column headings for the week, click the "Nondefault working time"
button and enter 09:00-12:00 and 13:00-17:30 (or whatever your lunch period
is). Probably a good idea to also click Options and change the default start
time and default end time entries to 09:00 and 17:30 as well - this doesn't
change the calendar but usually should agree with it. Also set the "hours
per day" to 7.5 and if you work a 5 day week, the "hours per week" to 37.5.
Click "Set As Default" then click OK to close the dialog boxes and save
changes. Now in the menu choose Tools, Organizer and select the Calendars
tab. The calendars in the global will be listed on the left. The calendars
in your current project, including the standard you just modified, will be
listed on the right. Select the edited Standard calendar in the right
column and click the "<<copy" button in the middle to copy it over into
global and overwrite the old version there. Now the normal calendar for all
projects will refelct the 0900-1730 work hours. Clicking "use default" for
a day will revert it back to 0800-1700, nothing to be done about that, but
at least you don't have to edit the calendar each time you start a new
project to set it up for your company's work schedule.