How do I sort pivot table data by subtotals?



I am trying to sort a pivot table by the subtotals for a data item.

The pivot table has three columns, a name then a list of services received
and then a column showing units for each service. The table is subtotaled by
name so that I can see the total units per person for each service received.

I want to sort the table descending so that the names with the greatest
number of units appear at the top. The subtotal for each name needs to be
the sort field. I need to know who received the most units, then if
necessary I can drill down and display the details to see specifically what
services each name received and how many of each service.

Thank you. I've been searching a lot on here and google and cannot find
this answer.

Jim Thomlinson

Right click the field you want sorted (name) and select
Field Settings -> Advanced
Under Sorting Select Descending
Choose the subtotal you want to sort by.


Thanks for the response, Jim.

I tried these instructions in Excel 2003 and I also tried what I beleived to
be the equivalent commands in Excel 2007.

If there are no subtotals, the data will sort as expected. When I display
subtotals, the data does not sort.


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