How do I tell Entourage to send a copy of my email to my ISP's webmail site?


Richard Anderson

I'll be in Mexico next week and need to be able to read and send email
from cybercafes--which I've had absolutely no luck doing in the past!

Even now, while I'm still at my home office, I can log onto the webmail
site of my ISP, RoadRunner, but my inbox, sent, and trash folders are
all empty, even though via Entourage, I can see that there's stuff in
all of them.

RoadRunner Customer Service says there's a way to tell Entourage to
automatically put copys of all email activities on their webmail site;
but since Entourage isn't their baby, they can't tell me how to do it.

Can anyone help? And if I get it working so I can use webmail in the
States, what's up with doing it from other countries? RR says it should
work, but I haven't even been able to log onto the webmail site when
I've been in Mexico before. Gak!

Thanks for any advice you can give.

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