How do i use publisher in office live website i have created for



I have a website from office live and i wanted to put my news letter on there
from my publisher. How can i do that. Having trouble doing so whene i try to
save it to the htlm it says it is pass word protected word but i am sighn in
to office live.


I think that the office live free websites are just for the templates
provided. I don't think they are set up for the user to post newsletters
built in Publisher. That information should be in the instructions for using
office live somewhere...



I took a moment to look at Office live again, and now I would suggest that
the answer to your question depends on which of the services you signed up
for. I assumed when I answered the question the first time, that you have
the Office Live Basics web site. If that is true, according to the
information here:
you cannot "upload existing site", nor can you "use html/third party design

This would imply to me that you cannot convert your newsletter to html and
upload it. If you are using one of the other services, then you might.

If you convert your newsletter to PDF format, it sounds like you could
upload that file and link to it from your free site. And if you are just
using the Office Live Workspace, then you could do the same.




How do i conver to pdf?? or htlm

DavidF said:
I think that the office live free websites are just for the templates
provided. I don't think they are set up for the user to post newsletters
built in Publisher. That information should be in the instructions for using
office live somewhere...



thanks David you been a great help. I decided i would upgrade my account
untill i learn more of what to do

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