Importing #'s with a , seperator



I exported a very large amount of data from a Clarion Top Speed data base.
There are about 20 fields but over 700,000 records. Most of the fields
contain numbers that are seperated by commas. Example 123,456. The exported
data is in a .txt file and is deliminated.

For some reason I can not get Access to import any number that has more then
three digits into a number data type. I assume this is due to the comma. I
can import the data into Access as a text data type but then can't convert it
back to long integer due to some memory issue.

To add a little more strangness to all of this. When I do import the data
as a text data type Access treats the 4+ digit numbers as a number and the
smaller numbers as text.

I need to be able to import this data as a long integer, or export it with
out the commas. I can't find any help on the export from Top Speed. I will
be doing biweekly exports from Top Speed and imports to Access so this will
be an ongoing problem.

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