Inserting New Columns



I know this probably sounds like a simple question but
beleive me, its been driving me insane.

I set up a client database on our networked system ages
ago and now some very annoying people have decided that
they would like me to insert some extra fields for them.

However, when I open the table and click on insert all I
get is the following message "Too many fields defined".
Ive tried Detect and Repair and nothings happening. I
REALLY need to insert a couple of extra fields though. How
can I do this?

Somebody please help me before i go totally insane.

From a very stressed lisa :(

Alphonse Giambrone

How many fields are in the table already. Access only allows 255 fields.


Hi Lisa. I would suggest the following:

1. Copy the table using "Structure Only" to a new name.
2. Insert the new fields into your new table.
3. Rename the old table to something else.
4. Rename the new table to the desired name.
5. Run an append query from the old table to the new table
to load your data.


Larry :)


OK alrry, now u r talking jibberish. Please explain a
little simpler. Remember that my database is networked so
will it be ok to copy and create a new one? Now u really
have confused me even more :(



OK alrry, now u r talking jibberish. Please explain a
little simpler. Remember that my database is networked so
will it be ok to copy and create a new one? Now u really
have confused me even more :(



Hi Lisa. Sorry for the confusion. I'll elaborate further...

Our objective here, since you seem to be unable to add
fields to your existing table, will be to create a new
table that contains all of the fields that you need, both
old & new, and then to load the table with your existing

The first step will be to copy your existing table's
structure to a new table. To do this, right click on the
the table that you want to copy and select "Copy" from the
menu. Now move your cursor to any blank spot on
the "Tables" page of your database and right click again.
Select "Paste" from the menu. The "Paste Table As" window
will now open. Enter a table name (it doesn't matter what
you call it as we'll be changing the name later) and then
click the "Structure Only" option and then click "OK". You
now have a new table with no data in it. Take your new
table into "Design" view and add the new fields that you
need and then save the table.

Now we need to load the new table with the data from your
old table. Go to the "Queries" page and click "New".
The "New Query" window will appear. Select the "Design
View" option and click "OK". Add your old table to the
query. Select all of the fields in your old table and add
them to the query grid. Go to the tool bar and find
the "Query Type" icon (it looks like one spreadsheet
stacked on top of another. From the "Query Type" list,
select "Append Query". When the "Append" window appears,
enter the name of the new table that you created earlier
and then click "OK". The "Append To" line in your query
grid should now be populated with all of the matching
field names. Save this query, name is unimportant, and
then run it. This will now load your new table with the
old table's data. When query finishes, close it and then
open your new table to visually confirm that your data
loaded correctly. Close the new table.

Now, change the name of your old table to something else,
i.e. if the table was called "Lisa Data", now rename it
to "Lisa Data (Old)".

Now change the name of your new table to the old table's
original name, i.e. as in this example, change the name of
your new table to "Lisa Data".

Now you are done. You have a new table, with all of the
fields that you need, that is loaded with your existing
data, and you still have your original table as a backup
should you want it.

As to the networking, you will need to do the above steps
in the actual ".MDB" file where the data tables are stored.

I hope this helps to clear up the confusion. If it doesn't
please post your question(s).

Kind regards,

Larry :)

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