Keyboard Shortcut for Paste Special?



Version: 2008
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard)
Processor: Power PC

I am always using "Paste Special" - "Unformatted Text" to paste text into Word so that it retains the font that I am using. I can't find a way to create a keyboard shortcut for this. Any clues??


Well, this works and I can assign a keyboard shortcut to it.

tell application "Microsoft Word"
tell selection
set theClip to Unicode text of (the clipboard as record)
type text text theClip
end try
end tell
end tell

Daiya Mitchell

I followed your first link, and it was easy enough to do, but now, when I try to paste with my specially designated new shortcut (which was option command V), word says "The specified text is not a valid autotext name." I don't understand.

Option-Cmd-V is already assigned to Insert AutoText. When you assign a
keyboard shortcut to a script, I guess it doesn't override existing
shortcuts, as it uses a different mechanism than Word's internal
shortcuts. Two options:

1) go into Tools | Customize Keyboard--in the left column, select All
Commands, tab to right column and type I-N-S quickly, then select
InsertAutoText, select the assigned keyboard shortcut, and Remove it.

2) use something other than option-cmd-v

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