Listview Controls not displaying properly.


That Guy

So I have noticed something funny about Listview controls and
Multipage controls.

When you place a listview on a page that is not displayed when the
form is initialized the listview moves to the top left of whatever
object contains it.

For example; I have a frame with two buttons and a listview on page
two of a three page Multipage control. When page two is set as the
startup page then everything displays correctly. However; if you set
page one or three to the startup page then the first time that you
view page two the listview is stuck in the top left of the frame that
contains it. Moving to a different page and then back fixes the
problem but this seems like odd behavior.

I have fixed the issue by adding into my initialization code a few
lines that switch the page being viewed to the problem page, and then
back to the main page. This works just fine and I assume that only on
slow machines would you notice the page change, for me and probably
everyone else it is instantaneous.

I just wondered if anyone knew why this happens.


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