Macro Virus?


John Keith

I was editing my VBA code (in Excel2002) to fix some text in a userform. It
all looked ok so I exited and saved. Then I reset my screen resolution to
match the lower setting my users of this app use. Then I loaded Excel2000
and opened the workbook (I test the app in both versions of excel). I now
get this excel error message no mater how I try to open the file...

"The macros in this file do not match the digital signature. Only a macro
virus would cause this. Please scan for viruses, and notify the publisher of
this document. Macros will be disabled."

* Ok I am the publisher... so I notified myself!

* The PC I was working on is the one that I have added my own self signing
certificate with SELFCERT.EXE So all saves of any macro changes should keep
the current certificate. OS is Win2000 (5.00.2195 Service Pack 4 with
Automatic updates turned on)

* I have spent the last 4 hours messing with my eTrust AntiVirus software.
I did update the virus "signature" file and when I scanned the XLS file it
reported nothing was wrong. I then scanned both my fixed drives 3 times.
The 1st time 3 infected files were reported. 1 was cleaned ok, the other 2
were Java applets in the cache that after a lot of research I found out how
to delete those files. The last scan reports all is clean now.

I still can't get my VBA code enabled. I have looked through the code
modules and forms-code and all looks like my code, no malware that I could
find. (Could there be malicious code still hiding somewhere in my VBA
project or the XLS file?)

What do I do to solve this problem?

The virus' that were found were: Win32/SillyDl.OE (which was cleaned by the
software) and Java/ByteVerify!exploit (which would not clean, I had to
manually delete the java cache files, then the next scan reported all was
clean) I noticed that each of these 3 virus was detected by using what
eTrust Antivirus called "Signature" I dont know if that is related to the
"digital certificate" that I am using to sign my VBA projects.

John Keith

ALL of my Excel files with VBA are disabled with that same message.

"The macros in this file do not match the digital signature. Only a macro
virus would cause this. Please scan for viruses, and notify the publisher of
this document. Macros will be disabled."

I think I can resign the files, but am I making a mistake doing that?
Could the certificate be corrupted?
How would I know?

Reto Laemmler

Hi John,

I have the exact same problem. I even bought a certificate from Verisign. I
called them up and they said this is a Microsoft problem and is not a
certificate problem.
My next step will be to extract all the macros into a different code.xls
file and exectue them from there. This way code.xls doesn't need to be saved
and it wouldn't cause this problem. Did you find any solution for this?


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