Mouse does not work in edit window ONLY with Office 2007.


Doctor Who

Using a SONY VAIO laptop, the mouse does not work in the edit window of
Office 2007 Pro. It works with ALL of the Office 2007 menus, but does not
work within the text area. This is using the touchpad. There is no problem
with using the touchpad with any other Office 2007 app, or any other
app--this ONLY occurs in text area of Word.

Suzanne S. Barnhill

1. Close Word.

2. On the Start menu, choose Run and type "regedit," (without the quotation
marks). This will open the Windows Registry, which (if you're not familiar
with it) has folders that are navigated just the same as folders in Windows
Explorer (My Computer).

3. In the HKEY_CURRENT_USER folder, find the Word Data key at:


4. The "key" will be a folder named "Data." Delete it. Word will build a new
key upon startup.

Suzanne S. Barnhill
Microsoft MVP (Word)
Words into Type
Fairhope, Alabama USA

Doctor Who

Thanks! In addition to the registry change, I also deleted the default dot
template. This seems to work, and corrected other problems in Word (every
tiime I tried to exit Word, it woud report an "error" and restart Word, plus
other issues). It seems that Word took a hit at some point that corrupted to
data and the default template. All is good now.

Luke Eason

I am using a new HP laptop with Vista Home Premium and activated Office 2007
(preinstalled). I lost the mouse in the edit box aas well with Word. Your fix
worked great. Thanks.
Luke Eason

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