Multiple names in one box on Org Chart




* I have an Excel 2003 file with 7 fields: Employee_ID, Name, Reports_To,
Title, Job_Code, Phone_Ext, Location_Code

* The Org Chart Wizard creates a box for each employee with the proper

* What I want to accomplish, though, is for all of the employees who work
for a certain supervisor to be in the same box, and only show the Title once
for each group of employees who share the same Title.

* So the Org Chart should appear with the Manager on the top of the chart,
and, say, one block for each of 5 supervisors, each supervisor showing a
group of employees by Title.

How can I do this? I'm OK with using Access or Excel as the source.

Thnak you.



Rhetorical question: Doesn't each employee have a separate phone line? But,
to your question, in your Excel file, in the "Name" cell, you could enter all
of the names for that particular reports_to. These should pull into Visio as
a single string. Then you'll need to open the shapesheet to do some
formatting to get each name on a separate line.

Select the shape, then menu bar>Window>shapesheet. Scroll down to the Shape
Data section. There should be a row labelled Prop.Name, and to the right a
Value cell that has the list of names, something like: "J. Smith W. Addams".
You need to modify this entry and insert char(10) between the names. The
result would be: "J. Smith"&CHAR(10)&" W. Addams".

That should do it. Close the shapesheet and you're done.


John... Visio MVP

Two possible answers. In some situations, a group may share a phone number.
For example the cleaning staff. Or for the level of detail required,
knowledge of the underlings phone number is irrelevant.

John... Visio MVP -- I like answering rhetorical questions. ;-)


Concerning the multiple names in one shape, it might be possible to eliminate
some shapesheet editting, but I don't know how to do it.

Once the edits have been done as recommended, the shape will show names as
desired. Using the wizard to export, creates an Excel file with multiple
names in a single cell, with, what looks like Word Wrap enabled. If you then
import this new file, however, and look at the shapesheet, the Value cell has
a curious entry: "nameASQUAREnameASQUAREname". Where ASQUARE must be some
line feed character. But, I can't identify it, figure out how to add it in
Excel. But, it would save editting the shapesheet.

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