Obtaining Unique Number From Data Validation List



I have a spreadsheet where I need to obtain a unique number from a
predetermined list for different entries on different rows (these rows are
not grouped together or in sequence). I need to pick this unique number
sequentially however I cannot use the same number twice. I have tried using
a data validation list however this allows the same number to be used
multiple times. Is there a method where the number can only be used once?


Create the Validation List on one sheet, but use a formula that watche
the Validation Cells on the other sheet and hides the numbers as the
become chosen, so they no longer appear in the validation list

Attached is a sheet showing this scenario

|Filename: ReducingValidationList.xls
|Download: http://www.thecodecage.com/forumz/attachment.php?attachmentid=59


Debra said:
There are instructions here for hiding used items in a data validatio

'Excel -- Data Validation -- Hide Previous Selections

No, that page shows usage of Dependent Lists, lists that completel
change to other lists based on prior choices...sequential List Boxes, i
you will

The workbook I posted shows a way to ACTUALLY cause individual items t
drop out of the Validation List. I'm still looking for a way to cause
validation list to skip the blank spots my technique creates in th


JE said:
No, it actually doesn't..

Did you try it
My apologies. I've used the Contextures page on dependent lists so man
times I just saw that when I brought up the page

This is a way to do exactly what the OP is looking for, a more elegan
version of what i suggested above, much more elegant. I'd use this

T. Valko

You can save a few keystrokes in the dynamic range formula by replacing:

COUNTA('Employees - Original Formula'!$C$1:$C$6)-COUNTBLANK('Employees -
Original Formula'!$C$1:$C$6)


COUNTIF('Employees - Original Formula'!$C$1:$C$6,"?*")

T. Valko

Even better:

You can replace:

COUNTA('Employees - Original Formula'!$C$1:$C$6)-COUNTBLANK('Employees -
Original Formula'!$C$1:$C$6)


COUNT('Employees - Original Formula'!$B$1:$B$6)

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