Office SBE 2003 w/Groove 2007



Our office uses Office SBE 2003 and several PCs have Groove 3.1a installed.
Since this product is no longer offered, we are considering the installation
of Groove 2007 on the other PCs. Has anyone else come across this situation
- were there any problems using Groove 2007 with Office SBE 2003? Any issues
synchronizing between Groove 3.1a and Groove 2007...we are using a lot of
custom forms. Any thoughts / comments appreciated. Thanks.


Dear Don,

Based on my research, Groove 2007 only can sync with SharePoint V3 and it
cannot use with SharePoint 2003 version. If you want to use Groove with
SharePoint 2003, we have to use the Groove v.3.1 version. This is the default
setting by design.

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