Opening new calendar or contact window maximized (without Navigation Pane?)



I struggled for a long time to figure out how to open a new Calendar,
Task, or Contact window with the window maximized AND without the
Navigation Pane. I typically keep my main Outlook window set to show my
Inbox along with the Navigation Pane so I can see my mail folders. Then
if I want to see my calendar, I right-click on the "Calendar" button in
the Navigation Pane and select "Open in New Window". However, this can
be frustrating if the default window size is not set correctly and you
don't need the Navigation Pane in any new window.

The way to solve the size issue is to first set your primary Outlook
window (i.e. have only ONE Outlook window open) to normal size (i.e.
un-maximized) and then manually set it to fill your screen. Also you
can uncheck the Navigation Pane option from the View menu at this time
IF you don't want to see the Navigation Pane in any new windows you
open. Finally close this Outlook window by holding down the CTRL key
and clicking the "X" box in the title bar. This will save these default
Outlook window settings for opening new windows.

It is even possible to now maximize the primary Outlook window and then
close it to save this setting. When you open Outlook the next time the
primary window will be maximized, but any subsequent new Outlook window
will be the default size we set above.

Unfortunately, I have not found a way to change the default for the
Navigation Pane for only NEW windows. Therefore, I either have to open
the Navigation Pane each time on my main Outlook window for my Inbox,
or I have to close the Navigation Pane each time I open a new Calendar
or Contacts window.

Has anyone figured out a way to solve the second problem?


Actually, there is one work-around I've found the the Navigation Pane
(NP) issue:

Open your primary Outlook window (I set mine to Inbox) and make sure
the NP is on. Then open a second window (i.e. right-click on Calendar
in NP and select "Open in New Window"). In the Calendar window turn off
the NP. Now, when it comes time to quit or exit the Outlook
application, leave the Calendar window open and make sure you close the
primary Outlook window (the Inbox in my case) first. Then close the
Calendar window. This way, the next time you open the Outlook
application it will re-open the Calendar window in addition to your
primary Outlook window.

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Known solution posted here many times if you had researched it.

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact. Due to
the (insert latest virus name here) virus, all mail sent to my personal
account will be deleted without reading.

After furious head scratching, TCorwin asked:

| Actually, there is one work-around I've found the the Navigation Pane
| (NP) issue:
| Open your primary Outlook window (I set mine to Inbox) and make sure
| the NP is on. Then open a second window (i.e. right-click on Calendar
| in NP and select "Open in New Window"). In the Calendar window turn
| off the NP. Now, when it comes time to quit or exit the Outlook
| application, leave the Calendar window open and make sure you close
| the primary Outlook window (the Inbox in my case) first. Then close
| the Calendar window. This way, the next time you open the Outlook
| application it will re-open the Calendar window in addition to your
| primary Outlook window.


I'm glad there's a known solution. I do not find it on this site, however,
and don't know how to go about researching it. Even though it has been
posted many times, it would be helpful if you would tell a novice like me how
to find it. Or you could just repeat it, please. I tried TCorwin's
solution. It works only if you want to always open Calendar when you open
Outlook with the Inbox. I want to know how to resize Calendar after I open
Outlook so that the next time I right-click on the Calendar icon I don't have
to keep resizing it. For some reason, Calendar (and Contacts) come up
squished and I have to manually resize them everytime.

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