Outlook Notifications


Jeff Galbraith

I have hooked into Outlook to get notifications for Email. During testing, I
have found a coupke of scenarios where I appear not to get any notifications.

1. When I delete or remove the last email(s) in the Inbox.
2) When I delete or remove 16 or more emails at a time
3) When I add (drag and drop) 16 or more emails into the Inbox.

Has anyone run across this before? Is there a different event? In MAPI,
where there are big changes, you get a TABLE_CHANGED event rather than
individual email item events. Is there something like this? Have I missed an

While I have your attention, since upgrading to VS2006 I no longer have the
Object Browser on my Tools menu. Is it still available and if so, how do I
start it?

Ken Slovak - [MVP - Outlook]

VS 2005 has the Object Browser, why you don't see it I have no idea.

All of the scenarios you mention are well-known and relate to the MAPI
limitations when more than 16 items are deleted/added at once. Nothing you
can do about that other than monitor the folder at intervals to see if
anything was added/removed plus you can monitor soft deletes by plugging
into ItemAdd in Deleted Items.

Removing the last item should still fire the ItemChange event of the Items

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