

Christina Gonzalez

I have an Access application that contains Oracle linked
tables and SQL server linked tables. As the application
launches it is very very slow. Also when I open any form
it is slow. Closing the app is slow. I don't know why
there is a lag in the app. My users in runtime also
complain to me about the performance. Is there any
solution to this problem?


I have a user base of about 16 users, probably averaging 5
on at a time. The backend is on a dual processor server
on a 100Gb line. The front end is on a NAS (shared Win2k
Server). We have about 80 SQL Server 2000 linked tables.
There is at least 10000 lines of code in the modules.
There is a startup form with at least 100 lines of code in
it's On Open. It opens fast enough for the users. It is
a 15MB .mdb file. It seems to grow about 5-10MB per day
which I can't figure out, since all the data is in SQL Svr.

Anyway, the first thing to do is upgrade the network that
serves the data, then upgrade the servers that store the
data (you should have tables on a different server than
the .mdb), then upgrade the client machines.

There is not enough information (like I gave you) in order
to analyze your situation. There are a jabillion places
to carve out a millisecond of performance, starting with
the foundation of your network, servers and clients.

What have you tried? What was the result?

Try removing the links to the oracle tables and open the
mdb. is it faster?

Try removing the links to the SQL tables, is it faster?

Try removing all references that you don't use (Design a
form, View Code, Tools>References, uncheck what you don't
need). Is it faster?

Try removing the startup form from db window,
Tools>Startup. Is it faster?

I'm just barfing out some basic troubleshooting ideas. If
you have a troubleshooter there, even if they're not
computer geeks, tap into their mind.


All noted below should be done. I have seveal similar
installations and the worst situation is to have fields on
auto-open at start-up forms that lookup data from Oracle.
A <dlookup(...)> on an unbound field is a sneeky slug in
particular. I also use DAO connections instead of ADO
because the Oracle logins for me are quite slow as well.


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