Physical% Complete if some activities are Deleted



Only MVPs can help me out, I guess.

I have got a strange problem with Physical% complete at summary bars.

I had a programme which was working fine with Physical% complete col.
After some time I had to delete 2 activites out of 10 activities under the
same summary bar. Now even if I put all the remaining 8 activities as100%
complete, I am getting only 80% complete in the summary bar !!!! I have tried
everything I could but don't understand why.

It is to be noted that my programme was not resourced, I had applied a dummy
resource for all activities with £1 cost. I then baselined my programme to
get the Physical % complete values in the summary bars.

Any help would be highly appreciated.

Jim Aksel

Actually, you may want to consider re-baselining that one summary task.
Remember to set the options so your newly baselined data will roll up
You should be OK with just changing the baseline costs on that line.... just
verify you roll up properly and that your Earned Value people are OK with it.

By the way, congratulations on the correct approach for Physical%Complete
with "Resource1" at $1/hr. We have to do it that way sometimes.

In the future, consider this approach. Do not delete the tasks you will not
perform. Instead, change them to 0 duration, set work=0, then claim 100%.
You will need to have a discussion with your Earned Value people to see if
this is acceptable. Generally, you will want to reduce you Estimate At
Complete (EAC) to reflect that you will not be doing this work. However,
many companies get quite arguementative over unbaselining previously
baselined work. I've worked it both ways and it is usually less painful to
descope the task by deleting the baseline from those tasks and reducing EAC.

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