Possible to stop Word windows cascading


The New guy

I always work in full screen windows. So when I open a new window, the
last thing needed is for it to cascade, which hides the lower right hand
corner needed for resizing so I have to drag the window first to the top
left hand corner, then drag it to the bottom right hand corner. Zoom
doesn't usually work properly so that's not an option.

Is there any way of getting Word (or OS X) to stop new windows from
cascading? Or to open every window in the same position as the last one
was closed (which is always full screen)? I realize this might be
totally controlled by the OS. But in case there is a way, I just had to
put out the question or challenge.


The default should be for any doc window to reopen at the same size &
position it was in when last saved, so once you've set it you should be good
to go for any of your own files (as long as someone else doesn't change
them). Docs you receive from other sources you have no control over the
first time you open them.

The cascading effect is done by OS X I believe, but I know of no feature or
explicit setting within Word or OS X that will change that behavior.

You may want to take a look in Tools> Macros (especially those whose names
begin with "doc") - there may be some there that will be useful for you,
although not as automatic as you'd prefer. Whether either of these
requirements can be handled by AppleScript is something you may want to
investigate further as well.

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