Powerpoint 2007 Files Are Renamed to Presentation 1



We are finding that powerpoint files are being renamed to
Presentation1 after saving with a unique name. WE are using Windows
XP. An example from the teacher:

Example: Power Point presentation is created and openned in a folder.
The Power Point is developed during a class period, saved and closed
correctly at the end of the period. The next day when the "same" Power
Point is openned, it opens as a new project (nothing from the previous
day is there) call Presentation 1. After investigation, the Power
Point is found in the Home Folder (z drive - not in any sub folders)
called Presentation 1. When openned, the previous days data (or some
of it) is there and the it is called Presentation 1. Yes, now there
are two Powerpoints openned call Presentation 1. Sometimes the
original can be renamed and saved, sometimes not. When it happens the
second day in a row, even if renamed, the second days data is lost.

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