printer-friendly version of a document ...



How do you create a link from a document you have on your web page to a
printer friendly version so someone can print it off

Don Schmidt

Probably the most friendly file format would be PDF. First convert your
file to PDF format. Most folks here like the freebee, Primopdf and you can
get it at:

To keep your website files on the server orderly I recommend you create a
new folder, i.e., downloads.

Lets call your new file good_stuff.pdf (note no spaces or uppercase)

Upload your newly created good_stuff.pdf file into the downloads folder.

On your website page you will need to add the link to the good_stuff.pdf

Use any word/s or image for your link; something like

Get the information on Good Stuff, click here.

Capture the word here with the mouse and then do Insert, Hyperlink

and put in the box



Save the new website and upload it in the normal way.

Check you work by bringing up your website and clicking on the underlined
word, here.

Your good_stuff.pdf file should open up for reading, and or saving.

Mike Koewler

As Don says, a pdf version will work. But what are you wanting visitors
to print? An entry form, for instance. If so, I create a new page, with
just the form on it and add an HTML code fragment that has this in it:
<input type="button" name="print" value="Print Form"


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