question about developing visio 2003 in VB2008



i'm new here so if i wrote in the wrong place please refer me to the right

i need to make a new application by changing the current visio application
to the product we need. so i used the add_in class for visio 2003 using VB
2008. the problem is that every change i made by using code, changed the
real visio in office. for example i deleted the menu item "File->open..."
and now every time i open visio there's no more File->open. i can't get it
back. i need the original visio and i need to know how i can write a code in
the add-in without changing the visio itself but its copy. anyone know how
to do it?


Unfortunately I don't have v2003 loaded on this system. Check visio help for
add-in and it should show you how to disable installed add-ins, and disable
yours (since it appears that your's has taken over the menu bar). Menu bars
are shared between visio and all of the other add-ins, it's up to you to be
a good neighbor and clean up your solution when you close. If you haven't
checked this out maybe it can help.


thank you for your answer.
but there're still some things i don't understand.
why should i clean up my solution if my purpose is to work on a copy of
visio and not on visio itself. if i work on visio itslef i really should
clean up my code when i exit like you said but it sounds an extremely hard
work. in fact, it sounds to me impossible. how can i bring back buttons
that i've deleted for example?

and second thing, i read the link that you gave me. it really explains all
the things i want to do (changing the menu bar). but i didn't understand
what editor i should use to write all the commands they wrote there. right
now i'm using visio add-in in VS2008 and i'm writing in c# and not in visual
basic. i was told at work that i should use c# for the code. unless i see
that visual basic is much preferable, i'd prefer to write in c# because it's
code that i understand much better (it's similar to c++ and java which i
already learned). so, i'll appreciate if you clarify for me all these

thank you


add-ins are code that start with the visio application...
one of the more common approaches to ensure that the add-in does not touch
the menu bar inappropriately is to have the user open a template with a
persistent event that can tell the add-in that it can then apply changes to
the visio environment. When the document is closed, the environment can then
be reset.
Have you looked at the visio sdk yet?


do you mean if i looked at code examples of visio sdk?
well yes i did. alot.
i'm working on it for weeks and unfortunatelly i haven't done much. i
downloaded from this site
some code examples for the visio sdk which were very helpful. i used only
the c# code.

i'm sorry i still didn't understand what you said. what template should the
user open and how can the environment be reset?

and also, i'd really like to know what editor i should use for the code
examples in the link you gave me. i tried the code in visio add-in in VB2008
and it didn't work.

is it ok if i stay with c# or should i move to visual basic.

sorry for all the questions i just want to progress with the program and
right now i'm stuck.

thank in advance


There is a flowchart demo application (c#) in the sdk that should illustrate
a lot of what you are attempting to do. It has a template associated with it
(.vst file) that has persistent events assigned. You can examine the events
linked to the template using the menu bar tools => add-ons => sdk => tools
=> persistent events. You might try compiling and running the application to
see how some of this works together.


There is a flowchart demo application (c#) in the sdk that should illustrate
a lot of what you are attempting to do. It has a template associated with it
(.vst file) that has persistent events assigned. You can examine the events
linked to the template using the  menu bar tools => add-ons => sdk => tools
=> persistent events. You might try compiling and running the application to
see how some of this works together.

-הר××” טקסט מצוטט-

i'm not familiar with the persistent events you were talking about. i
read about it after you told me to look at it but i didn't understand
how to work with it. as far as i understood i should use persistent
events to compile the visio sdk code examples which were in the link i
sent you last time. but i actually compiled it in VB2008. for class
CreateMenu.cs in the sdk for example i created in the add-in a new
class with the same name and copied the code from sdk. then in the
ThisAddIn_Startup method i wrote "CreateMenu temp = new CreateMenu();
temp.AddMenuToMenuBar(this.Application);" maybe it's not the right
way to do it i really don't know. i could see that it worked so i
kept working this way. can you explain to me how to use the sdk for
the persistent events in visio? i read the help in visio about it but
it was very short and didn't explain what i wanted.

thank in advance


Regarding visio events, I'd start over here
I'd continue your reading over here


There is a flowchart demo application (c#) in the sdk that should
a lot of what you are attempting to do. It has a template associated with
(.vst file) that has persistent events assigned. You can examine the
linked to the template using the menu bar tools => add-ons => sdk => tools
=> persistent events. You might try compiling and running the application
see how some of this works together.

-הר××” טקסט מצוטט-

i'm not familiar with the persistent events you were talking about. i
read about it after you told me to look at it but i didn't understand
how to work with it. as far as i understood i should use persistent
events to compile the visio sdk code examples which were in the link i
sent you last time. but i actually compiled it in VB2008. for class
CreateMenu.cs in the sdk for example i created in the add-in a new
class with the same name and copied the code from sdk. then in the
ThisAddIn_Startup method i wrote "CreateMenu temp = new CreateMenu();
temp.AddMenuToMenuBar(this.Application);" maybe it's not the right
way to do it i really don't know. i could see that it worked so i
kept working this way. can you explain to me how to use the sdk for
the persistent events in visio? i read the help in visio about it but
it was very short and didn't explain what i wanted.

thank in advance


Regarding visio events, I'd start over here
I'd continue your reading over here


i'm not familiar with the persistent events you were talking about.  i
read about it after you told me to look at it but i didn't understand
how to work with it.  as far as i understood i should use persistent
events to compile the visio sdk code examples which were in the link i
sent you last time.  but i actually compiled it in VB2008.  for class
CreateMenu.cs in the sdk for example i created in the add-in a new
class with the same name and copied the code from sdk.  then in the
ThisAddIn_Startup method i wrote "CreateMenu temp = new CreateMenu();
temp.AddMenuToMenuBar(this.Application);"  maybe it's not the right
way to do it i really don't know.  i could see that it worked so i
kept working this way.  can you explain to me how to use the sdk for
the persistent events in visio? i read the help in visio about it but
it was very short and didn't explain what i wanted.

thank in advance
David- Hide quoted text -

- Show quoted text -
hi Al,
both links you sent me are in VBA. and they're using macros. my
intention was to write the code in c#.
you told me that the application in the sdk is written in c#. do you
have links for writing the add-ons persistent events in c# instead of


There are three pieces to this equation which are demonstrated in the v2007
SDK Flowchart sample.
a.) the event generated by putting a persistent event into your document
(whether it is a template/stencil/or just a replicated drawing) - this is
not code dependent and the example document is "Flowchart (CShartp.Net).vst"
b.) coding the necessary addadvise into your application - which is in the
connect.cs file
c.) the event sink - the example has the file eventsink.cs
The references are tutorial to give you insight not c#code, that is in the
flowchart sample I previously referenced.

Regarding visio events, I'd start over
I'd continue your reading over


i'm not familiar with the persistent events you were talking about. i
read about it after you told me to look at it but i didn't understand
how to work with it. as far as i understood i should use persistent
events to compile the visio sdk code examples which were in the link i
sent you last time. but i actually compiled it in VB2008. for class
CreateMenu.cs in the sdk for example i created in the add-in a new
class with the same name and copied the code from sdk. then in the
ThisAddIn_Startup method i wrote "CreateMenu temp = new CreateMenu();
temp.AddMenuToMenuBar(this.Application);" maybe it's not the right
way to do it i really don't know. i could see that it worked so i
kept working this way. can you explain to me how to use the sdk for
the persistent events in visio? i read the help in visio about it but
it was very short and didn't explain what i wanted.

thank in advance
David- Hide quoted text -

- Show quoted text -
hi Al,
both links you sent me are in VBA. and they're using macros. my
intention was to write the code in c#.
you told me that the application in the sdk is written in c#. do you
have links for writing the add-ons persistent events in c# instead of

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