Radio button form control



Hi -
I'm pretty new to InfoPath, and wondering if anyone can help me answer
a question. I'm trying to design a form that will be controlled based
on an initial radio button. Let's say you click radio button 1 - then
the form will display a set of fields, but if you click radio button
2, the form will change to display another series of fields. How do I
control the layout of the form based on the initial radio button
selection? Thanks in advance -

Anuma(GGK Tech)


Add two radio buttons to the form. And double click on the radio button and
verify the value is displayed as “1†for first radio button and “2†for
second radio button.

1. Now add one section to the form and add fields in that section.
2. Double click on the section properties and switch to “Display†tab.
3. Select Conditional Formatting button.
4. Click on “Add†button.
5. Add condition as “Radio button is not equal to 1â€. Then hide this control.

Follow the same condition for other sections also.

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