relative adressing of external xml-files


Martin Monshausen

I'm using InfoPath 2007 and do have the following question:

Is it possible to reference external xml-files relatively?
I would like to create a form where the default values of the fields will be
retrieved from an external xml-file. How that works in gernal is obvious;
using the 'Data Connection Wizard'. The problem is, that I do not want to
provide the path to the file absolutely, but relatively. But that is not be
allowed by the wizard.

The scenario is part of my diploma thesis. The prototype which I created is
using WebDAV to expose the files (forms and xml files) to the user. My
prototype is able to control the content of the store, but not the mapping of
the store to the users file system. If I would make a absolute reference to
the file, I have to know the device to which my store is mapped to...
Furthermore, the content of the xml-file is generated dynamically on every
access to the file (as mentioned: I'm able to modify the content of the store
dynamically), therefore it would be not a good idea to integrate the file as
ressource to the form.

It is not possible to use other methods like WebServices, because the
prototyp of my diploma thesis is only able to react on direct file access via
WebDAV? Or is there an other possiblity to solve my problem?

Thank you very much for your help,


P.S: An other approach was to modify the xsn directly by extracting the
files and add them (including the changed file) to an archive again lateron.
The problem is, that there is be no API for Java writing CAB-files (or am I
wrong?). ZIP-Files won't work...

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