Report Details Overlap Headers and Footers



A report I have constructed in Access 2002 sort of gets out of sync

after printing about six pages.

It's not a complex report, although it does have

several sub-reports and a lot of controls.

Most of the controls are set to "can grow", and

some of them come from memo fields in database tables.

Information from the detail section overlaps

the footer and sometimes the header section.

A line of printed text gets clipped, in that it is partly

on one page and partly on the next page.

Efforts to fix this have not been unsuccessful. I did read

some forum posts about not allowing the controls on the

report to overlap and that improved the situation quite a lot.

I had forgotten that one from ages ago.

However the problem has not gone away fully,

just moved to happen later in the report.

Could somebody help please.

Are there any Access bugs lurking that I should know about.

Is there some obvious trick I have forgotten.

Is there some way I can get more diagnostics or test that

no controls are still overlapping.

I believe this problem is related to Access itself and

not to the printer or the printer drivers, as I have seen

the fault when the same report is run at different locations.

Gina Whipp


First, I hope that's not your real eMail address as it will get harvested by
the spammers. IF it is you'll want to fix that. Now on to your problem...

When I have an issue with reports what I do is turn the outline of all the
fields red so I can see where they are. I also make sure I "Snap to Grid"
because even the slightest overlap can cause what you are experiencing. As
I *fix* the field I turn their outlines back to transparent till none are
left and all is well. I would also check what your minimum margins are on
your printer against what you have set your minimum margins to. Start with
that and report back if that helps...

Gina Whipp

"I feel I have been denied critical, need to know, information!" - Tremors

John Spencer

Other things to try.
== Switch to another printer and see if this still occurs
== Check to see if you have the latest printer driver for the printer you are

John Spencer
Access MVP 2002-2005, 2007-2009
The Hilltop Institute
University of Maryland Baltimore County

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