Save a Document with Color Inserts in B&W or Grayscale


Tom G

Is there a way to save a document that was created with both color text and
color pictures in B&W or grayscale format? I know that I can just select
grayscale to print, but can I convert such a document to B&W or Grayscale?


Seems pretty cludgy, but you could print to PDF in B/W then convert the PDF
back to Word.

Bob Buckland ?:-\)

Hi Tom,

Long standing wish :) That Word would offer the greyscale working mode that Powerpoint does so you'd know pretty much ahead of
time how the 'colored bits' are going to actually come out on your company laser printer <g>).

Graphics -

If the graphics are text wrapped as inline with text you can use the browse tool (silver ball with arrows in lower right corner of
Word) and select 'browse by graphic' and from the picture toolbar set the first picture to 'greyscale' then continue to browse with
the arrows on the browse tool and for each additional graphic use F4 (repeat last command) to again apply greyscale [wash, rinse,
repeat <g>]

If the graphics are not formatted as inline with text you can add the 'Select Multiple Objects' tool from
to the Drawing toolbar, use that tools select all, then apply greyscale picture formatting to all of the graphics at one shot.

For text - You can use Edit=>Replace=>All=>{More]
and find (from the [Special] button) 'any character
and in Replace with use only [Format]=>Font=>Font Color (although you can't easily say red with grey, and blue with another grey in
a single pass - you basically get black text <g>)

Is there a way to save a document that was created with both color text and color pictures in B&W or grayscale format? I know that
I can just select grayscale to print, but can I convert such a document to B&W or Grayscale?>>
Let us know if this helped you,

Bob Buckland ?:)
MS Office System Products MVP

Pricing and Packages for '2007 Microsoft Office System'

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