Shared File Location?



I'm very new to Groove 2007 (and Groove in general), I've read as much online
information, etc and can't seem to find the answer to my question. I'm
wondering about file sharing and location. I'm using a workspace with one
other person. I have files located on my computer (My Documents) that I've
copied to the shared Groove workspace and have started using them there. I'm
wondering if there is a way to sync the Groove shared docs with the folders
in My Documents folder.

My biggest problem right now is when I have multiple docs that I'm working
on and I'd like to email them to someone that isn't using Groove I can't
figure out how to do it. Is there a way to access the shared files in Groove
through the regular "attach" dialog box used in Outlook, etc.?

Thanks for any help!



If your My Documents folder is on your Local drive you can use the Groove
Foldershare feature to share that folder with other Groove users and not have
to put the files in a workspace. Look in the Groove Help File for full

Frances Selkirk [MSFT]

Because the My Documents folder is where many things are saved by default, it
can get large enough to cause problems as a Groove File Sharing Workspace.
You might want to create a subdirectory and share that instead. I do this
just to keep my work documents synchronized between my desktop and my laptop.

Files in a Standard Workspace are encrypted and compressed, and cannot be
accessed from outside of Groove; you would need to save a copy from Groove
and send that.

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